For my site it is not a pop issue.

The progress for a message is as follows. (taking mail from our co-lo as an
example but it happens from multiple external systems)

Process on App Server attempts to send an email in house using a mail server
at our co-lo.

External Email Server
Co-lo mailserver attempts to deliver the message in house recieves an looses
connection while sending end of data.
Co-lo mailserver then waits 30-90 minutes and attempts to deliver the
message again, recieves the sam error repeats process for 2 days until it
gives up.

On the internal side.
Email server accepts connection and delivers the message normally, 30-90
minutes later accepts the same message and redelivers it normally.  Meaning
no errors in Maillog or Messages.


  _____ <>  scout <>

Kep Brown
Systems, Network and Database Administrator
phone: (805) 560-3781
fax: (805) 560-3991

Are you seeing this as SMTP level?  We get duplicated messages frequently
but it's always (as far as I can tell) a pop issue.  It is always solved by
deleting an improperly formatted multipart mime message, almost always
from outlook.  The logs show somthing like "unable to lock mailbox;
lost" or something similar.  That's with cucipop.


Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaineStreet Communications, Inc         208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
Content management, electronic commerce, internet integration, Debian linux

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