
We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
"OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection.

If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other

Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
connection without sending the mail to the client?

tcpdump output
client > server: S 1646064:1646064(0)
server > client: S 2361285140:2361285140(0) ack 1646065
client > server: . 1:1(0) ack 1
server > client: P 1:46(45) ack 1       (+OK
client > server: P 1:15(14) ack 46      (user cmunson)
server > client: . 46:46(0) ack 15      (ack)
server > client: P 46:52(6) ack 15      (+OK )
client > server: P 15:29(14) ack 52     (pass cm2ns0n)
server > client: P 52:58(6) ack 29      (+OK )
client > server: P 29:35(6) ack 58      (STAT)
server > client: P 58:74(16) ack 35     (+OK 31 4646947)
client > server: P 35:41(6) ack 74      (UIDL)
server > client: P 74:80(6) ack 41      (+OK )
server > client: P 80:616(536) ack 41   (UIDL data...)
server > client: P 616:1073(457) ack 41 (more UIDL data...)
client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 616     (ack)
client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 1073    (ack)
server > client: P 1073:1332(259) ack 41(remaining UIDL data...)
client > server: P 41:50(9) ack 1332    (RETR 31)
server > client: P 1332:1338(6) ack 50  (+OK )
server > client: F 1338:1338(0) ack 50  (close connection)
client > server: . 50:50(0) ack 1339    (ack)
client > server: F 50:50(0) ack 1339    (close connection)
server > client: . 1339:1339(0) ack 51  (ack)

- qmail 1.0.3, w/tcpserver, vpopmail, etc.
- Outlook 2000 client.  Also seen it once with Eudora.

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