On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 04:43:09PM -0600, Carey Jung wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
> popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
> handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
> "OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
> that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection.

Who sends the FIN? The client or the server?

> If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
> the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
> send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
> the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other
> clients.

Sounds like a client bug. There are plenty of them? What's the client
OS, what's the client program?

I've certainly seen plenty of clients gag on unusual content.


> Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
> connection without sending the mail to the client?
> tcpdump output
> --------------
> client > server: S 1646064:1646064(0)
> server > client: S 2361285140:2361285140(0) ack 1646065
> client > server: . 1:1(0) ack 1
> server > client: P 1:46(45) ack 1     (+OK
> client > server: P 1:15(14) ack 46    (user cmunson)
> server > client: . 46:46(0) ack 15    (ack)
> server > client: P 46:52(6) ack 15    (+OK )
> client > server: P 15:29(14) ack 52   (pass cm2ns0n)
> server > client: P 52:58(6) ack 29    (+OK )
> client > server: P 29:35(6) ack 58    (STAT)
> server > client: P 58:74(16) ack 35   (+OK 31 4646947)
> client > server: P 35:41(6) ack 74    (UIDL)
> server > client: P 74:80(6) ack 41    (+OK )
> server > client: P 80:616(536) ack 41         (UIDL data...)
> server > client: P 616:1073(457) ack 41 (more UIDL data...)
> client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 616   (ack)
> client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 1073  (ack)
> server > client: P 1073:1332(259) ack 41(remaining UIDL data...)
> client > server: P 41:50(9) ack 1332  (RETR 31)
> server > client: P 1332:1338(6) ack 50        (+OK )
> server > client: F 1338:1338(0) ack 50  (close connection)
> client > server: . 50:50(0) ack 1339    (ack)
> client > server: F 50:50(0) ack 1339    (close connection)
> server > client: . 1339:1339(0) ack 51  (ack)
> environment:
> -----------
> - qmail 1.0.3, w/tcpserver, vpopmail, etc.
> - Outlook 2000 client.  Also seen it once with Eudora.

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