Carey Jung scrive:

> Hi, 
> We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
> popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
> handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
> "OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
> that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection. 
> If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
> the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
> send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
> the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other
> clients. 
> Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
> connection without sending the mail to the client?

Yes I saw it before :-(
I' having the same problem and not only with pop3, but also when sending an 
email with an attachment.
The transfer of the attach begin an the server send out a fin packet and 
drop the connection, sometimes happens immediatly sometimes after a little 
I saw it with outlook and outlook express, the mail server is behind a linux 
firewall. I made alot of investigation about this problem and it dont seem a 
network problem implicable to the firewall.
If you find a solution please let me know. 

Fabrizio Fresco 

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