
I am writing a small book about Linux/FreeBSD since 1999 (just for
fun, maybe it will be released someadays, maybe not, who knows).

Currently i try to find out the advantages of qmail. It took me some
time to get it working, but I am very surprised about the speed. I
have changed my production server in realtime from sendmail to qmail.
It was not easy, but I have it done. And I was not required to delete

There are some  things I need to know about qmail to complete my work on
this chapter.

* First, I need to know is there a similar way to stop spammers as in
sendmail with /etc/access. This is a very important feature to me. I
dont want to use procmail or similar for such a feature, is there an
option for it?

* Is there a way to forward all outgoing mails to a specific SMTP?

* Are there somewhere detailed instructions about implementing

* I have read some solution about SMTP AUTH and I need to know what
the people outside are using to stop spammers and to authenticate
users before they are allowed to send e-mails. What are the currently
most used solutions? I have found some, but I would like to know what
is used in real environments.

It would be great for detailed informations, because its not very easy
to find all neccessary informations.

Thanks for your time.

Boris [MCSE, CNA]
 X-ITEC : Consulting * Programming * Net-Security * Crypto-Research
........: [PRIVATE ADDRESS:] 
        : Boris Köster eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        : Grüne 33-57368 Lennestadt Germany Tel: +49 (0)2721 989400

Everything I am writing is (c) by Boris Köster and may not be 
rewritten or distributed in any way without my permission.              

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