Boris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are some  things I need to know about qmail to complete my work on
> this chapter.
> * First, I need to know is there a similar way to stop spammers as in
> sendmail with /etc/access.

Many people on this list will not be familiar with the detailed workings of
sendmail; in general, we run qmail because (among other reasons) we don't want
to have to learn sendmail's byzantine configuration.  Please explain how 
this works with sendmail; then we can tell you if there's a qmail equivalent.

> * Is there a way to forward all outgoing mails to a specific SMTP?

Yes, smtproutes.  It's trivial.  `man qmail-remote` for details.

> * Are there somewhere detailed instructions about implementing

Yes, in many places, including djb's site and

> * I have read some solution about SMTP AUTH and I need to know what
> the people outside are using to stop spammers and to authenticate
> users before they are allowed to send e-mails. What are the currently
> most used solutions?

There are SMTP-AUTH patches for qmail.  Two other techniques widely employed
include selective relaying by IP address, and SMTP-after-POP3/SMTP-after-IMAP.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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