Believe it or not, all the answers to your questions can be found at !


>>>>> "Boris" == Boris  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Greetings.  I am writing a small book about Linux/FreeBSD since 1999
> (just for fun, maybe it will be released someadays, maybe not, who
> knows).

> Currently i try to find out the advantages of qmail. It took me some
> time to get it working, but I am very surprised about the speed. I
> have changed my production server in realtime from sendmail to
> qmail.  It was not easy, but I have it done. And I was not required
> to delete sendmail.

> There are some things I need to know about qmail to complete my work
> on this chapter.

> * First, I need to know is there a similar way to stop spammers as
> in sendmail with /etc/access. This is a very important feature to
> me. I dont want to use procmail or similar for such a feature, is
> there an option for it?

> * Is there a way to forward all outgoing mails to a specific SMTP?

> * Are there somewhere detailed instructions about implementing

> * I have read some solution about SMTP AUTH and I need to know what
> the people outside are using to stop spammers and to authenticate
> users before they are allowed to send e-mails. What are the
> currently most used solutions? I have found some, but I would like
> to know what is used in real environments.

> It would be great for detailed informations, because its not very
> easy to find all neccessary informations.

> Thanks for your time.

> -- Boris [MCSE, CNA]
> ...................................................................
> X-ITEC : Consulting * Programming * Net-Security * Crypto-Research
> ........: [PRIVATE ADDRESS:] : Boris Köster eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> : Grüne 33-57368 Lennestadt Germany Tel: +49
> (0)2721 989400 : 101 PERFECTION - SECURITY - STABILITY -
> ........:..........................................................

> Everything I am writing is (c) by Boris Köster and may not be
> rewritten or distributed in any way without my permission.

"I wonder what Jesus would do if HE had to reload Windows 95 for the
eighth time today ?"

- Mirabour Gilbride

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