> I like sendmail, its slow - yes, but it is powerful and this silly
> bugs are fixed fast. Its just some C-Code, everyone knows this.

Yeah, it is only a few hundred thousand lines of code, and you should have
looked through it for bugs or exploits before you compiled it, right?  It
is just some C code, so you checked it out and fixed these bugs even
before they were posted on bugtraq, right?  I am glad that someone else is
intimately familiar with the various bugs/incompatibilities with the
various standard C libraries, OS differences regarding race conditions,

Please post a URL to your reviewed & commented sendmail source.

If you bought (OK, got for free) a car, and it exploded, leaving you
burned, then you waited a week to get a new car mailed to you, then you
drove it a month, it exploded again.....repeat for 15+ years.....would you
not think of maybe trying a different free car? 

Is anyone offering a bounty on trolls?



          All your SMTP are belong to us.

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