On Sat, 2 Jun 2001, Boris wrote:

> There should be one file to download and the makefile should do nearly
> everything neccessary. I should not spend days to understand the
> different modules as a newbie, it takes too much time.

I would argue that you /should/ take the time.  Qmail's power lies in its
amazing flexibility and configurability, but the downside is that it's
easy to get things not quite the way you wanted it.

As a wise man once said (or words to that effect), "If you can't find the
time to do it right, how will you find the time to do it over?"  IMO, this
applies to qmail in spades (and most of DJB's software in general).

If you're in a hurry, the mail-related stuff bundled with your favorite
distro (hopefully at least postfix-quality) is probably a better choice.
That'll at least get you up and running till you can find the time to
Understand And Do The Right Thing, or until a security compromise or
broken setup forces you to make time.  8-)


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