On Sun, Jun 03, 2001 at 11:25:10AM +0000, Piotr Kasztelowicz wrote:
> Hello
> >Alan Brown, operator of ORBS, was served 2 New Zealand High Court
> >injunctions ordering the removal of several OBRS listings. The compalies
> >who filed for these injunctions are Actrix and NZ Telecom.
> I have written to this list one year ago, Allan Brown activity
> is illegal, moreover hi helps hackers more than normal peoples.
> Also good decision of NZ Court.

I hate starting a flamethread (and hope you all are smart enough not
to), but ORBS does not help hackers.

Furthermore, Alan Brown's activities are not illegal - the ORBS
relaytester runs in The Netherlands, where this is not illegal by any

Greetz, Peter.

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