On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 01:29:59PM +0200, Piotr Kasztelowicz wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> Now it is not possible, because the ORBS is closed
> The host is sun.lodz.ptkardio.pl []
> > relays that stay open that long probably will never get fixed.
> Since September 2000 relay open has been fixed by me on
> Dane Bernstein software - qmail, tcpserver. A. Brown will
> not remove me from list. This is clear, that ORBS uses
> others, that objectives criteria.

You have shown us no proof. That you are unable to for external
reasons is too bad, but I suggest that you do not claim the above
until you can show us proof.

> NZ Court, as we have heard don't let him do to.
> I'm the Vicepresident of Polish Medical Internet Society
> and this same work at security and quality of Polish medical
> servers. I work as consultant. My statement

So people *pay* you to do silly things like block all of .nl?

> > The ORBS tester does not have a reverse that ends in .nl.
> Dec  4 23:39:09 sun smtp: tcpserver: deny 29386 :
> relaytest.orbs.vuurwerk.nl:
> As you can see netblock is effective.

It indeed effectively blocks .nl hosts. The orbs-tester, however, is
not an .nl host. It was back in december, as you clearly demonstrate,
but it isn't now.

Greetz, Peter.

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