On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> So tell us your IP and show it is being listed by ORBS, so we can see
> for ourselves if this is true.

Now it is not possible, because the ORBS is closed
The host is sun.lodz.ptkardio.pl []

> relays that stay open that long probably will never get fixed.

Since September 2000 relay open has been fixed by me on
Dane Bernstein software - qmail, tcpserver. A. Brown will
not remove me from list. This is clear, that ORBS uses
others, that objectives criteria.

> ORBS can be configured to 'ignore' your netblock, and I've never seen
> Alan be unwilling to do so for anybody.

NZ Court, as we have heard don't let him do to.
I'm the Vicepresident of Polish Medical Internet Society
and this same work at security and quality of Polish medical
servers. I work as consultant. My statement
is clear. Each use SMTP on server, which don't lead to
sent or receive mail without a permission of administrator
should be taken as inappropriate activity and illegal by any
law. I have made many such expertises and in each case
do to the law effects. Therefore I don't wonder that
NZ High Court take the injunction to remove ORBS list

> The ORBS tester does not have a reverse that ends in .nl.

Dec  4 23:39:09 sun smtp: tcpserver: deny 29386 :

As you can see netblock is effective.

Best Wishes

Piotr Kasztelowicz                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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