Title: qmail troubleshooting


I'm having some "issues" with my qmail server. :) However, instead of dumping all my problems on this list, I think it would be more beneficial for me to do my own troubleshooting so I can learn the "ins-and-outs" of qmail. Are there any good web-pages or anything dedicated to common/not-so-common problems encountered with qmail, and ways to troubleshoot those problems?

For those of you who are curious, my current problem is that my queue has come to a crashing halt. I had about 15000 messages in it, and I was doing some kernel tweaks and the big concurrency patch to make it push 500 messages at a time. It ate through the 15000 messages in about 45 seconds, but left me with about 370 messages in the queue. Ever so slowly those messages have trickled out over the past 16 hours, but it's only sent about another 150 messages, leaving about 220 remaining.

Now, my suspicion is that these are deliveries that failed the first time and have been set to retry again at a later date. However, I can't find a way of confirming this, apart from the "deferred" statements in the log files. I assume the deferred statement is confirmation of what I suspect. What I'm wondering, is if there's a way to reset the deferred status of these messages and try sending them all out again? Or is there a way of monitoring the queue (other than qmail-qstat) ? I've tried installing qmailanalog, but once again, I'm having problems with Solaris 8. (qmailanalog simply complains it 'cannot execute').

So, a breakdown of what I'm looking for:

1) A website detailing different troubleshooting situations for qmail
2) A way to look at the status of the queue, other than qmail-qstat
3) A way to force all messages in the queue to send again immediately
4) A statistics monitoring program that will work on Solaris 8(sparc), or a way to make qmailanalog work on Sol8Sparc


Mark Douglas - Architecture
Sympatico-Lycos Inc.
All your base are belong to us! Make your time!

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