On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 03:48:23PM +0000, Ahmad Ridha wrote:
> Federico writes: 
> > I need to make this possible with qmail: 
> > 
> > I've this structure INTERNET----QMAIL-----EXCHANGE 
> > 
> > i need that ALL incoming mail from internet are sent directly to exchange and the 
>outgoing mail are sent normally. 
> > 
> > it is possible? 
> > how? 
> > 
> (In /var/qmail/control/)
> Create a file called smtproutes containing: 
> :<IP of Exchange server> 
> and remove the entries of locals and virtualdomains 
> Regards, 
> Ahmad Ridha

Umm, that would be, to put it mildly, bad, unless you intend to _relay_
all mail from the Exchange server as well as sending all inbound mail to
it. If the OP sets up his Exchange server with qmail as the smarthost
(which is what he sounds like he wants), this will create a mail loop.
Only domains in rcpthosts should be in smtproutes with the setup it
sounds to me like he's asking for...

Greg White

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