At 01:24 PM 6/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I need to learn how to restart qmail on my BSDi system.  I have not been
>able to locate a qmail-restart in any of the qmail directories.
>Whenever I make changes in qmail, I have had to resort to `shutdown -r now`
>thus rebooting the entire system.  I don't like doing this.

If you have to ask a  question like this,   it makes me wonder why you are 
attempting to administrate a mail server.

This is basic administration.

ps -ax | grep qmail-send        you'll see something like
17950  p0  I      0:00.03 qmail-send

the first number is important.

kill -HUP <whatever the first number is>
IE:   kill -HUP 17950

Now,    qmail reloads its configuration files.

Might I suggest you familiarize yourself with unix basics BEFORE trying to 
run a mail server?  Might make it a little easier for you.

Jeff Palmer

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