On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 01:24:23PM -0500, Virginia Chism wrote:
> I need to learn how to restart qmail on my BSDi system.  I have not been able
> to locate a qmail-restart in any of the qmail directories.
> Whenever I make changes in qmail, I have had to resort to `shutdown -r now`
> thus rebooting the entire system.  I don't like doing this.
> Someone told me to try 'killall -SIGHUP qmail', but someone else said this
> might kill everything running - that the machine would not read to the
> 'qmail' at the end of the line.

HUPing only makes qmail reread locals and virtualdomains. (And there is no
process called "qmail," so "killall -HUP qmail" won't do anything on any system.)
Some changes require you to restart qmail--not just HUP it--and some don't
require any restart at all.

Do you use svscan/supervise to start qmail? If so, all you need to do to
restart qmail is "svc -t /service/qmail" (assuming your qmail service directory
is called /service/qmail). To HUP it, use svc -h instead of svc -t.

If you don't supervise qmail, you'll need to find qmail-send's pid, kill it,
and rerun the script you started it with. If killall on your system is not of
the variety that kills all running processes, you can "killall qmail-send" and
then restart it.

What you really need to do is to read a book on basic Unix administration. This
question really has nothing to do with qmail at all.


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