Virginia Chism writes:
 > I need to learn how to restart qmail on my BSDi system.  I have not been
 > able to locate a qmail-restart in any of the qmail directories.
 > Whenever I make changes in qmail, I have had to resort to `shutdown -r now`
 > thus rebooting the entire system.  I don't like doing this.
 > Someone told me to try 'killall -SIGHUP qmail', but someone else said this
 > might kill everything running - that the machine would not read to the
 > 'qmail' at the end of the line.
 > Any suggestions?

Yes.  If you've installed qmail as per,
then you need only do this:
    svc -t /service/qmail-send

If you haven't installed qmail as per LQW, it's never to late to

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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