On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:

> > I suggest the goal should be to let vpopmail do the work and make
> > qmailadmin as much as possible just a web interface to the vpopmail library.
> yea, but there's that old spam command stuff which is interfering with
> the changes I'm making.

Well, it's not really "old".  In fact, I use it.

> I just wrote it to stomp on the old stuff since we have no customers
> actually using the --enable-spam-command stuff, and have high demand for
> being able to switch the spamassassin stuff on/off on a per user basis
> via qmailadmin.

Could you define "stomp"?  Does this mean I have to go undo all of this
everytime I update vpopmail/qmailadmin?  I also noticed in browsing cvs
for the vpopmail changes for spamassassin, there's a ton of changes, but
no documentation.  CHANGELOG, README, etc. remain untouched by kbo.

Who is currently making decisions like "should we alter the existing
spamass support" and where does one make their voice heard about such



> I'm making a second post to actually post the patch.
> -Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Kitchen
> Systems Administrator
> Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
> .....................
> Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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