On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 08:34 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> CentOS is a much better choice for a toaster distro than Fedora in terms of
>  stability. You'll have far fewer OS upgrades to do once it's up and
> running, and you'll also run into fewer hurdles installing and upgrading the
> toaster software. There is no advantage to using Fedora that I'm aware of.
> In general, Fedora is good for desktops, CentOS is good for servers.

While in general I would agree with you, but not in this case.  Centos
works fine with the exception of spamassassin.  All the people that sent
me the lint outputs only one showed all the modules functioning.
Spamassassin is one of the key elements needed in the spam battle.

I now have five fedora boxes running qmail-toaster, all are stable and
spam free.  It is true that updates come out more often for fedora than
for Centos.  Fedora is used as a test bed before things are available
for Centos and Redhat.  So long as everything is working, there is not
much need to update unless you want to.

I posted my notes previously on this list on fedora installs.  If you
follow those it is a painless install on fdr60.

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