>> Why huh? You answered the question, thanks. It was not clear to me and
>> I'm sure it wasn't to me, might not be to others who are too scared to
>> ask for fear of being looked down on for asking :).

One of the first questions I asked I got that attitude thing from someone who
took the time to tell me that I should learn about what I'm doing rather then
just ask. He pointed out that he was not going to give me the answer because
he wanted me to learn.

Funny, I've been building networks using the very latest technology for over
15 years, constantly on the cutting edge and you know, we can't all be pro's
at everything out there and sometimes, don't care to be. We just want to get
something working by seeing some example of it then learn from there as we
have a little more time. Wish people would figure that out.

Thanks for being cool about it, I guess I jumped to conclusions when I saw
'huh' and thought it meant something else :).

> "Huh" because I didn't understand what you were asking about. I'm still not
> clear as to what was unclear to you, if that makes sense.

As for what I meant, I just mean that I did go to your site, I did read and
try to get a handle on what the ISO was. From what I could tell, it was either
of two things. It appeared to be either a full install of QMT or it could also
have been tools which one adds to their QMT install.

That's just one guy's input of course.


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