That's a relief. Thank you very much for your kind answers and help. I really appreciate it.
This is one reason why I chosen qmt-plus instead of the propriety softwares.


Jake Vickers wrote:
Tom Manliclic wrote:
Hi Jake,

Sorry to email you directly but I got confused and executed saupdate which I think is the spamassassin update. Now I'm worried that users will have problems, will there be a easier way to revert back to my old spamassassin configuration?

Thank you very much for your help.

No problem. saupdate is a utility that will (on a daily basis) update the spamassassin rules from the spamassassin website, as well as including some extra rules from the SARE website. It doesn't modify your spamassassin config file. At the CLI, you can always "man qmailtoaster-plus" to get some documentation.

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