Hello all,

2 quick ones.  I'm going to be implementing a redundant server for one of
our IMAP servers and I was wondering if there is anything I need to be aware
of that is possibly different in behaviour vs pop3.  Jake the replication
script I setup, as far as I can see will work fine as it will replicate the
contents of the users mailfolders is there anything you (or anyone) can
think of that I might need to tweak?

The other query I've had is regarding rules.  Is it possible to allow users
to setup rules directly on the server.  So basically, the server will
process users rules as mail comes in and put them in various folders
accordingly.  Our directors have their Iphones setup to the imap server, and
as long as their clients are running to process email based on rules it's
great.  However when their client isn't running, they end up with a load of
rubbish in the inbox.  Is there anyway to control that on the server (this
one I'm sure is possible), but allow them to configure it as they need with
some sort of UI? (this one I'm not so sure of)

Hopefully that makes sense.


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