Craig Smith wrote:
> Anyone? :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 August 2008 16:24
> To:
> Subject: [qmailtoaster] Some IMAP related queries
> Hello all,
> 2 quick ones.  I'm going to be implementing a redundant server for one of
> our IMAP servers and I was wondering if there is anything I need to be aware
> of that is possibly different in behaviour vs pop3.  Jake the replication
> script I setup, as far as I can see will work fine as it will replicate the
> contents of the users mailfolders is there anything you (or anyone) can
> think of that I might need to tweak?

What sort of redundancy are you implementing? Strictly backup/failover?

> The other query I've had is regarding rules.  Is it possible to allow users
> to setup rules directly on the server.  So basically, the server will
> process users rules as mail comes in and put them in various folders
> accordingly.  Our directors have their Iphones setup to the imap server, and
> as long as their clients are running to process email based on rules it's
> great.  However when their client isn't running, they end up with a load of
> rubbish in the inbox.  Is there anyway to control that on the server (this
> one I'm sure is possible), but allow them to configure it as they need with
> some sort of UI? (this one I'm not so sure of)

That'd be a great feature for imap users (imho). I don't know of anything in
this area off hand, but I haven't looked hard at all. Please keep us posted
on this one.

> Hopefully that makes sense.
> Thanks

-Eric 'shubes'

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