I am trying to add a server to my existing server in a replicated fashion. I am running into a problem copying the database over to the new server. When I follow the steps (listed below) in the Replicated Server video, nothing gets put into the NEW database. Here are the steps I follow:

On the OLD (#1) server:

Dump vpopmail database into vpopdump.sql
SCP file over to NEW server

On the NEW (#2) server:

Stop Slave
Drop vpopmail database
Create vpopmail database
Import database I SCP'ed (dump file) over from existing server (#1)
Start Slave

When I check the new server with either QControl or QmailAdmin, there are NO domains or users. I'm stumped on this one. I've followed the above process three times and still no love!

Also, the I double-checked that the dump file DOES contain data.


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