I was checking out the following page on the wiki:

The 4th section down ("Convert the mailboxes"):

This is the part you really should test. The success or failure of this part will determine how transparent your migration is to your users. You'll not likely loose any mail (you have backups, right??), but your users might end up having to re-subscribe to folders and/or re-download email headers, depending on the client software they use.

First we'll get the conversion script:

# cd /usr/local/sbin
# wgethttp://www.dovecot.org/tools/courier-dovecot-migrate.pl
# chmod 0700 courier-dovecot-migrate.pl
# cd ~vpopmail/domains

This command will do a "dry run" to make sure things will work correctly...

# /usr/local/sbin/courier-dovecot-migrate.pl --recursive

You should see your user accounts scroll by and say something like "UIDLIST not found" but nothing else. At the end of the script you should have 0 ERRORS.

This command actually does the conversion.

# /usr/local/sbin/courier-dovecot-migrate.pl --recursive --convert

If everything went well, you can proceed. If not, you might want to post a message to the qmail-toaster list to get some help.

This is the script I was referring to. Is it necessary to do this?

Sometime in the not-so-distant future I'd like to set this new server up to replicate to another offsite QMT box...I've purchased and viewed Jake's Replicated QMT videos and was planning on doing something similar, however last time I recompiled vpopmail I noticed the "--enable-mysql-replication" option and wasn't sure if that would be something I would need to compile in to do the replication or not. The video doesn't mention it, and the documentation briefly rattles off something about read-only replication from a master server. Any chance anyone could provide me with a bit more in-depth explanation?

Last but not least (at least for today...), what about QControl? Is this something I should look at purchasing? The screenshots make it look kinda nifty, but I was hoping to someone else' input.



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On 10/4/11 8:31 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 10/04/2011 07:51 PM, Casey wrote:

I looked over the Dovecot article on the wiki...seems straightforward
enough, but the one thing I was wondering - should I proceed with
migrating everything as I am now and then when I have the first batch
everything moved over, then install Dovecot and run that migration

No, I would install and use dovecot from the get-go, before doing any migration. The filesystem structure for maildirs is the same.

I'm guessing that I'll need to run that script any time that
maildirs are copied from the old server, correct?

Which script would that be?

You can drop emails from wherever (your script) into the Maildir/new directory anytime/anyway, and dovecot should figure out how to handle it. I think. Imap-wise anyhow. I don't think pop would be a problem either, although I haven't exactly done that, to be honest.

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