At 1:53 PM +0800 10/10/01, PM WONG wrote:
>I've found a lot of lock files
>(not by the name username.lock) under /var/spool/mail
>They are named like:
>Now though they are 0 size, i wonder if their left over
>will affect users doing their popper session?
>Why do they exist and can i delete them at anytime (if not
>when could i kill them ?)
>We run qpopper 4.0.3

I don't believe Qpopper ever creates or uses locks of that form. 
Perhaps your delivery agent or some other process uses them?

It would be good to track down where they came from, because it's 
vital that Qpopper and your delivery agent (and all other processes 
which access the spool) use the same locking mechanism.  Otherwise 
the spools are likely to be corrupted.

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