On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Sean Hignett <s...@intelligent-design.ca>wrote:

> Hello all,
> I just recently discovered Qt, and Qt Creator.  Was always aware of it, but
> never paid it the attention it clearly deserves.  Working through the C++
> GUI book to get up to speed.
> Qt Creator has some really impressive features... but... it also has some
> strange omissions compared to all the IDEs I have used in the past (VS,
> Eclipse, etc).

Yep. And this has been the subject of some debate here (although no nearly
enough IMHO).

I'll avoid the apparently standard noob whining about no file rename, no
> folder creation, etc... Smart guys these Qt developers, so I assume there
> must be some thinking behind this... it is so bizarre it must be intended :)

Please vote on the rename issue here:

And the folder issue here:

(Although there are several related tickets, none of them particularly clear
on what should be done. Don't get me started on the 'sessions/pro.user file'

> Can anyone offer an example of how they use the IDE such that basic
> integrated file management is not a requirement?  I assume it is just a case
> of using the OS file management tools (eg. terminal) and manually updating
> the .pro files... but am I missing something?  It would seem refactoring
> would be somewhat cumbersome without the ability to re-organize files in
> concert.  I could get used to using terminal/finder/etc, but I can't imagine
> ever not "wanting" the ability to do it directly in the IDE... is this
> crazy?

Yes it is. I think Creator was developed by emacs users who wanted a
fantastic editor above all else. Everything else was secondary and boy does
it show! I'm hoping that Nokia will come to these senses but I wouldn't hold
my breath. I use Creator because the editor, autocomplete and Qt-integrtion
blows everything else away (including MSVC) so I put with the other

> Has anyone written a better FileSystem view as a plugin? (i.e. one that
> isn't just read-only)

That would be fantastic. The existing File System view is utterly usless.

> Tips or advice is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Sean
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