Danny Price, Friday 20 November 2009:
> I would consider the abilty to rename a file more fundamental to an IDE
>  than supporting every major source control solution under the sun.
>  Source-control support in IDEs is generally mediocre, if it exists at
>  all, and most developers use dedicated source control clients or the
>  command line. And dedicated solutions will always beat a one-size-fits
>  all IDE.

Please take into consideration, that you might not stand for the majority 
of users. I for example consider the source-control integration mandatory 
and working fine, 90% of my (SVN) operations I can do directly from 

I don't stand for the majority of Creator users either, since I don't even 
code Qt programs with {q|c}make and git, but normal C++ programs with 
autotools and SVN. But the few things that I missed, I have been able to 
add easily myself and some even got merged into mainline Creator.

You seem to be spending a _lot_ of time posting to the Creator mailing 
list about features you are missing. Of course it's useful for developers 
to hear suggestions from their users, but also as you said:

> But we're all developers on this list [...]

That is completely right, and that's why I think there should be a bit of 
a balance on how much time one spends talking about Creator and coding on 

Please don't get me wrong... it's fine if a feature request is made (maybe 
the new bug tracker is also better for that than the mailing list?). But 
then don't write again and again how important this or that feature is and 
how Creator is completely useless without it. That's simply a PITA for all 
readers of the list (or at least me and a few more as that discussion has 

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