> It's not just 'alt-tabbing to an explorer window', it's:
> 1) Removing the file from project (either manually from the .pro file or via
> the menu which requires dismissing the SVN prompt).
> 2) Closing any open documents for that file as Creator will not do with for
> you (and this is an easy way to get into a mess).
> 3) Renaming the file in explorer / your SVN client.
> 4) Re-importing the file (as above).
> 5) Re-running qmake.

You can save yourself a step by renaming the file in the .pro file
instead of removing it and re-adding it, and unless I'm mistaken (and
it's possible I am) the .pro file is listed as a dependency for the
Makefile so trying to build after modifying the .pro file SHOULD (in
theory) automatically re-run qmake for you. This brings it down to
three steps.

/s/ Adam
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