Well said.  Personally I can live without file system integration as
anything complicated SVN-wise I can do with the awesome TortoiseSVN
plugin.  Alt-Tabing to an Explroer window when I need to rename files
is not the end of the world.

Qt Creator is a superb product and I am forever evangelising about it
to co-workers and fellow programmers.  My only gripe is with the
'session' system which is well documented here.  :)

I think the Trolls have done an amazing job with this product, and
considering it's only a 1.x release, the features are impressive - I
much prefer editing C++ code using this IDE than I do MSVC (even with
the Visual Assist plugin.)

So, well done to all involved and long may the good work continue.

2009/11/19 Andre Poenitz <andre.poen...@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de>:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 03:34:25PM +0000, Danny Price wrote:
>> I'm fairly certain both VisualStudio 1.0 and Eclipse 1.0 had the ability to
>> rename source files.
> Danny,
> if the developers of VS and Eclipse had enough resources to spent to
> integrate cross-platform, cross-VCS file manager capabilities, so, well,
> I admit it, I envy them.
> I don't have these resources, and the ones I have I rather spent not on
> duplicating functionality that is already available in abundance on
> everybody's desktop - at least not as long as there is a long wish list
> of more important things.
> Everybody who wants to have a file manager can have that rather easily,
> VCS integration inclusive. Switching applications every now and then
> might be inconvenient and cumbersome, but it's a process that can be
> handled resonably well by most programmers.  On the other hand, not all
> of them can read the contents of a QHash by looking at the d pointer in
> gdb, so at least for me it's pretty clear what's going to the top and
> what to the bottom of the todo list...
> Andre'
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