On 03.02.2010 12:08, Hunger Tobias (Nokia-D/Berlin) wrote:
> I do not want to introduce some option into the GUI for what seems (to
> me:-) to be a rarely encountered use-case. So I thought about other
> options to ease your live: How about introducing a environment variable
> (let's call it QTCREATOR_EXTENSION) to override the .user file extension?
> When looking for a .user file to open Qt Creator would prefer
> project.${QTCREATOR_EXTENSION} over project.user (using the latter as a
> fallback). When writing it will create project.${QTCREATOR_EXTENSION}.

Implemented with two minor changes:

  * It's QTC_EXTENSION to be more consistent with other environment
    variables used by creator.
  * It does not fall back to .user when reading data. It should be more
    robust to just use a empty default configuration as pathes etc.
    might have changed between platforms.

As usual this should becoe visible on the public repos with a 12h delay.

Best Regards,
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