In article <>,
 Tobias Hunger <> wrote:

> On 01.02.2010 15:14, ext Stephen Chu wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Is there any plan on making it easier to move .user files between
> > platforms?
> Platform as in different OS environments/computers? Are you using a 
> network share with different OSes?

I am working on a project that's shared between Mac and Windows. The 
project folder is in a networked share.

> > Right now when I open a project in a different platform, I need to
> > delete .user and other make files or the project will use the build
> > steps from the other platform.
> I do not check in the user file into my version control system. So all 
> my different systems have separate user files.
> The Makefile-Situation could be mitigated by the use of shadow builds: 
> All the generated files go into a directory different from the sources. 
> No need to fiddle with all those storage locations that way.

How do I configure Creator to use shadow build? The help file only 
mentions Windows CE.

> > I changed the directories for object, UI and other temp files. But the
> > .user and make files still need to be manually cleaned.
> >
> > Any way to make this process simpler? Thanks
> Not sure yet:-)


Thanks for the pointers on shadow build. At least that will make things 
a little bit easier. If I can get it working, that is...

Stephen Chu
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