
On Mar 26, 2010, at 12:15 AM, ext Bill King wrote:

In this case I got a "doesn't happen here" and then it was dropped
(maybe it was worked on internally), but the email responses from
roberto showed that it had pretty much been ignored (even after me
adding extra information, and then even a patch to fix the issue).

I'm pretty sure the only email I sent about this topic was a short reply on our 
internal mailing list where I just said 1) we can't reproduce it 2) we don't 
have a working valgrind for OSX 10.6 and 3) the email ends with - I guess we 
have to investigate what's going wrong with the binder.

We applied your patch (commit b0b95f88756dbdf4981c97a325734300a65d8268 ) but 
unfortunately it was creating quite a number of regressions in our refactoring 
engine so we had to revert it (change 933e52888e8e69f876bdf4640379ecdddb2c2c9c 

And by the way, we tried to reproduce the crash on 4 different computers. We 
tried Linux, OSX and Windows and we also checked with memcheck so who knows, 
maybe we can get some help from the guys on this mailing list. Please, can 
someone try to reproduce this bug 
http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-807 ? I'm sure we will have 
a better understanding of the problem if we have more reports.

About the quality of the C++ front-end. Well, i can tell you that we are 
testing it quite a lot.
We have 3 tools that we use daily to test the front-end with the gcc test suite 
and with the Qt source code (in creator/tests/manual, cplusplus-dump, 
cplusplus, plain-c++).

Yes, it can happen that we introduce regressions but that's because an 
incremental front-end for C++ need to parse both correct and 
invalid(unfinished?) code and i'm sure you can see how many "wrong" 
configuration you can have when parsing a few million lines of C++ code so the 
test suite needs to be a bit special and that's the reason why we're using 

I think your attack to us is wrong and not fare.

ciao robe

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