On 19.04.2010 18:02, ext Danny Price wrote:
> I think the settings in the .pro file should always take priority. This
> is allows for automated builds and builds outside of Creator.

I do not get your point here: Of course the pro-file gets preference. 
Qmake does not know of the .user file at all, so if you run qmake 
outside creator will of course completely ignore any Creator settings.

> It
> shouldn't be muddied up to handle Creator special-cases. That sets
> a precedent.

I do not consider shadow building to be a creator special case. I use it 
for all projects I work on (be it qmake based or cmake or even 
autotools, if they actually support it without too much breakage) and 
did so long before I started using Qt Creator in earnest. It makes 
switching between different configurations of a project so much easier, 
be it debug/release, different set of defines/dependencies or even 
different platforms.

You should really give it a try! You are missing out if you do not.

> I'm not sold on the idea that Creator must turn on shadow builds by
> default. If it's an issue as stated by Tobias, why not simple turn it on
> in via the Project screen/pro.user file for the projects that require it
> as was the case previously?

Why not simply turn it off for the projects that do not need it? 
Seriously, this does not get us anywhere.

What exactly is broken for you? Which of your settings are ignored by 

 > The functionality is identical.

No, shadow building is far more flexible and I am convinced we should 
offer that flexibility by default. Plus it reduces the number of clean 
up issues we currently have with creator when switching configurations.

> Tobias, your statement seems to imply that the Nokia/Qt devs are also
> throwing away their pro.user files to get builds working which is the
> underlying issue.

I usually do not delete my .user files, but I sometimes do loose them 
when running git clean in the terminal. I keep forgetting that creator 
can do that nowadays (and it will leave the .user file by default;-)

 > If that's the case, why not fix pro.user files once
 > and for all? Fix the problem at source?

The .user file does what it is meant to do quite well for my use case. 
You seem to have a different use case which I would really like to 

Best Regards,

Tobias Hunger
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

Nokia gate5 GmbH
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