On 17.09.2010 20:33, ext Bryce Schober wrote:
> I'm extremely disappointed. I'm using Qt Creator exclusively for generic
> Makefile development. It has had its warts for that purpose, but this
> makes it much worse, because now there is no way for me to share build
> configurations with others.

What could be done to improve your use case?

So you just want a set of additional make targets to be (pre-)defined 
for users as well as a list of things that can be run? Would it help if 
we added some more files to make those known to creator?

> This is going to completely kill my usage
> scenario if it continues.

What is you usage scenario?

 From our point of view we are not "continuing", but just made our users 
aware about something that has never worked before. We had lots of 
complaints about trouble due to sharing a .user-file. Since there is 
little we can do to make it share better we had to at least provide a 

> Maybe this is just one of those "you're not
> our customer" situations, but it's pretty disappointing. Now generic
> project support is even more of an orphan than it was.

We are willing to accept merge requests to improve any part of creator 
including the different build system integrations. Unfortunately we do 
not have much time ourselves to improve the generic project support:-(

Some of us are using the generic project to contribute to open source 
projects that are not qmake based, so it is regularly excersied and 
tested and we do make sure to not break those use cases.

Best Regards,

Tobias Hunger
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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