I echo W's comments below.  If you would like unbiased information about
your national and local candidates, you will be well served at:


I can't believe we still can't do any better than Kerry and Bush as
candidates.  Both are sellouts to their party power brokers and the
special interest groups that fund their campaigns.  Kerry wants to gain
the ultimate power, Bush simply wants to retain it.

There is less and less difference between the two major parties now,
especially during a presidential election year when both sides
desperately go after the undecided voters who are typically flaming
moderates like me.  So Democrats begin professing "Family Values" and
republicans discover "Compassion."  I feel the bile rising in my throat.

Bush is hated by Democrats much like Clinton was hated by the
Republicans.  Most Democrats  would rather see an untrained monkey as
president, as long as it is not Bush.  Kerry is simply the enemy to the
Republicans, and they will do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy,
bogus commercials or otherwise.

The truth is there won't be much difference in our lives regardless of
which candidate is elected.  They can promise anything they want to now,
but they still have to get it through Congress, which is very difficult
to do nowadays with no real majorities in place.  This is all good to
me, because I want passing of legislation to be as difficult as
possible.  There should be less laws, not more.  Viva Gridlock!


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 9:15 PM
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Voting-In the USA
> Elections always bring out the worst in candidates.  That's 
> politics on both 
> sides.  Often called a smoke screen for more important 
> agendas which are 
> rarely discussed until after any election.  Mudslinging has 
> recently become an 
> artform in politics.
> As any voters should realize that we are only shown the tip 
> of the iceberg 
> and easy to debate.  I'm always concerned with what's hiding 
> just beneath the 
> waterline.... or deeper.  Don't be affected by the 
> smokescreens in politics.  
> Consider the histories of both parties and what they 
> traditionally stand for or 
> have practice in the past.
> Be a good voter.... Do your homework .... Then vote you own 
> mind! W In a message dated 8/20/04 8:58:24 PM, 
> << Stuntman,
> The treachery is not on Kerrys part. I guess you haven't 
> heard that all these 
> men have been taking back what they have said about Kerrys 
> war record. They 
> were in the war but they didn't even know him. Some are now 
> admiting that they 
> were just mad about comments he said about the war. They are 
> also now being 
> linked to not only Bush but Bush senior. This is back firing 
> on the bush 
> administration. People are sick of the nit picking about 
> Kerrys war record, at least 
> he served in a war, where did Bush serve? Oh, thats right he 
> just likes to 
> start wars!!
> Meredith >>

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