Stunt....i love ya, but forget this stuff!!

If u think we're makin the world safer by fighting bad guys in Iraq, and
that Bush was RIGHT ON for going in there, and the price we are paying there
is not too high, then vote for Bush.  If you like the idea of cutting
veteren's benefits and cutting every other social program wile raiding
Social Security funds, including cuts in Fed money to keep cops on the
street to afford big tax break for upper income, then vote Bush.  If you
like the idea of people who need HIGH PRICED perscriptions not being allowed
to go to Canada for their survival, then Bush is your baby.   If you think
stem cell research should be held back, then vote Bush.  If you feel like
Bush's pulling out of the world committments to limit nuclear testing treaty
and clean-air act, then vote Bush. I could go on...

But this vietnam record business is so far off the track...hell, at least he


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuntman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Voting-In the USA

> Just watch Scarborough Country on MSNBC for more truth as the
> descrepencies get hashed out, they have been running an in depth search
> for the truth (note: NOT ON FOX for all you conspiracy freaks out there)
> The only tie to Bush is that "some" people who donated to his campaign
> also donated to the Swift Boats for Truth.
> Kerry has admitted he "might have been confused" when he claimed to
> have been in 5 Mi inside of Cambodia Christmas of 68 (which he had said
> was seared into his memory ""50X"")
> The other swiftboat Captains said the only fire was from their own 50
> cal machineguns as they swept the area in case it was an ambush.
> A quick Commonsense question: If the dead in the water boats WERE under
> heavy fire, why was NO ONE wounded by bullets? Where are the REPAIR
> reports which would have been manditory for damage done to the boats?
> It seems like Kerry modeled his military career after JFK's, only he
> didn't deserve 2 of his purple hearts, which he used to get out of
> Dodge and launch his political career. The Swift Boats for Truth didn't
> launch their issue untill after Kerry used a photograph of THEM and
> claimed he had THEIR support.
> They also served their country, spending their COMPLETE tours. Why
> shouldn't they have the right to be heard?
> If Kerry is telling the truth, he has nothing to fear.
> But his refusal to release all of his military records and boat Captain
> Journal doesn't look good.
> If he lied as a Boat Commander during wartime, he doesn't deserve to be
> Commander and Cheif.
> I'm waiting for the truth on this one.
> However if Bush is found to be behind a smear campaign, that truth will
> also come out.
> My biggest issue with Kerry is his voting record in the Senate.
> He does not represent my interests.
> Stuntman
> > Elections always bring out the worst in candidates.  That's politics
> on both sides.  Often called a smoke screen for more important agendas
> which are rarely discussed until after any election.  Mudslinging has
> recently become an artform in politics.
> As any voters should realize that we are only shown the tip of the
> iceberg and easy to debate.  I'm always concerned with what's hiding
> just beneath the waterline.... or deeper.  Don't be affected by the
> smokescreens in politics.
> Consider the histories of both parties and what they traditionally
> stand for or have practice in the past.
> Be a good voter.... Do your homework .... Then vote you own mind!
> W
> In a message dated 8/20/04 8:58:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << Stuntman,
> > The treachery is not on Kerrys part.<
> We'll see. But I think you are going to be disapointed.
> > I guess you haven't heard that all these men have been taking back
> what they have said about Kerrys war record. They were in the war but
> they didn't even know him. Some are now admiting that they were just
> mad about comments he said about the war. They are also now being
> linked to not only Bush but Bush senior. This is back firing on the
> bush administration. People are sick of the nit picking about Kerrys
> war record, at least he served in a war, where did Bush serve? Oh,
> thats right he just likes to start wars!!
> > Meredith >>
> >
> It's not the fall that hurts.

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