I'm glad that you mentioned that before I could as it has much more meaning 
coming from you.
Before George Bush was a Republican, he was a Texan and "Once A Texan... 
Always A Texan"
George Bush has never forgotten that he was a Texan, even as a Republican.  
Today, Texas reflects the very best in schools, universities, and colleges.  
People like Bob Kafka (ADAPT)  and the late Justin Dart (Father of ADA).  It 
therefore reasons that Texas should be leading the country in its observation of 
being the best, by providing the most to its citizens.  That is why most 
Texans will vote Republican this next election, because Texans will vote for the 
person who said that he was a Texan before he was a Republican.
In a message dated 9/9/04 10:25:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I live in Texas and for many years the Republican party in this state 
acted relatively reasonable and moderate until they became the dominant party. 
They have become increasingly radical and unreasonable. 
They are now the party of able-bodied, heterosexual, protestant Christian, 
Caucasian men that have jobs or large inheritances. If you do not fit into all 
of these categories then please think carefully before you cast your ballot for 
a Republican. 
Keith  >>

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