Ummm May I suggest you check some facts there?
One example..Kerry himself did not promise or say " the lame shall walk"
He promised to support stem cell research.
What you are seeing and doing is what a majority of people do to my surpirise...and chagrin.
Person A says ..."XYZ"
It gets reported in various forms of media..
Some people leave out pertinent wording..such as
I support stem cell research so the lame shall someday walk.
I say that..and no doubt, somone will turn it to..
"Cripple folks will walk if I'm elected president"
(this as an example)
Again, I ask, that people simply take their civic duty responcibly and make an informed vote..
Not from skewed rhetoric.
{{The best to you,}} Sherry
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuntman
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason
The REAL brainwashers
Republicans Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems campaigning inside
polling building]

Komrade kerry will promise everything including his soul to get elected
John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the War
Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the
Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during
the Vietnam War.

Kerry & Edwards have no shame and now promise the laim shall be healed.
Think about it!
Do the research.
Where are kerry's military records?
Why did he need a review to get an honorable discharge?
He choose to run on his military record but won't release it.
There is no ban on stem cell research.
Bush is not bring back the draft.
Bush is not privatizing SS.
Kerry keeps lying.

It's not the fall that hurts.
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