Sorry, but no.

"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."

"IF we do the work in this country..."

Which means, the research work we, as a nation, are capable of.  The proper funding of all medical research,.  "IF" 

We= the nation,

Do the work..

" the work that we will do when John Kerry is President"

A continuation of that same thought, funding research, in this instance stem cell as CR advocated for.

"people like Christopher reeve will get out of that wheelchair and walk again."

Yes..again note "IF WE DO the work this country is capable of"

He is not promising a cure...he is not saying if Kerry is elected quads will walk...Words have meaning.., can anyone, yes anyone, not understand this sentence?  He is saying, we as a nation can find cures, but only so long as research is allowed...

How many illnesses have been cured, by good ole US of A research?


The general public can identify with CR ..moreso than if  he said a quadriplegic will get out of their chairs and walk."  How many AB's know what being a quad is? yet, they can make the basic connection if CR is used as the example. Which is what Edwards did.




{{The best to you,}} Sherry
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
----- Original Message -----
From: Stuntman
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason

Looks like I was right.
"Will" in the context he used it. Yes I was being a bit sarcastic.
I may have paraphrased, but it was accurate.
BTW it is time to start up "the Apathetic" party.
We could really get out the vote.
However, there is a little problem with global terrorism that needs to
be eradicated first.
I have no faith in a man who wants to run on his military record but
refuses to release it.
Bush inherited a lot of trouble.
Had we not gone into Iraq, the O.F.F. Scandle might not have been
I'm not surprised France got caught with their hand in the cookie jar,
along with Germany, Russia, China, and the head of the UN's O.F.F.
These are the people komrade kerry wants for allies.
Of course what can one expect from the ONLY US servicman honored in the
Vietnam Communist mueseum. 
Sgt SAC USAF 1971-75
(Yes when it comes to Kerry it's personal)
> No,
> The Comment was "
> Edwards said Reeve, who died Sunday, "was a powerful voice for the
need to do stem cell research and change the lives of people like him.
> "If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we
will do when John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve
will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again," Edwards said."
> WHICH, proves my point on the pertinent wording.  He did not say " If
Im elected, the lame shall walk" or anything close to it.
> Now..I can respect most anyone....and their views. They do not have
to agree with mine to be credible in any form.
>  But I will say this, I have gone face to face, head to head many a
time with Frist. And I can say, in him I see pure evil and pure self
motivation. AND fact is, he has more "power' in our congress than
Bush.   I once appeared in His office, ( well I better not go into
that)  But he also tried to get me kicked out of a AMA conference in DC
when I had put on the back of my chair " Frist, Do No Harm"
> I can be a bit of a spunky redhead ;) LOL
> {{The best to you,}} Sherry
> ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Stuntman
>   To: Sherry
>   Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:55 PM
>   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right reason
>   I see you missed Edwards shameless speach, I didn't.
>   He made promises no mortal can keep.
>   It is one thing to say you'll support research, it is another to
>   promise a cure.
>   Stuntman
>   > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>   >
>   >
>   > Ummm May I suggest you check some facts there?
>   >
>   > One example..Kerry himself did not promise or say " the lame
>   walk"
>   > He promised to support stem cell research.
>   > What you are seeing and doing is what a majority of people do to
>   surpirise...and chagrin.
>   >
>   > Person A says ..."XYZ"
>   > It gets reported in various forms of media..
>   > Some people leave out pertinent wording..such as
>   > I support stem cell research so the lame shall someday walk.
>   >
>   > I say that..and no doubt, somone will turn it to..
>   > "Cripple folks will walk if I'm elected president"
>   > (this as an example)
>   >
>   > Again, I ask, that people simply take their civic duty
>   and make an informed vote..
>   > Not from skewed rhetoric.
>   > :)
>   >
>   >
>   > {{The best to you,}} Sherry
>   > ' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"
>   >   ----- Original Message -----
>   >   From: Stuntman
>   >   Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:35 PM
>   >   Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vote for the right man for the right
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >   The REAL brainwashers
>   >
>   >   Republicans Say Democrats Influenced Voters [IA Dems
>   inside
>   >   polling building]
>   >
>   >
>   >   Komrade kerry will promise everything including his soul to get
>   elected
>   >   John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the
>   >   Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the
>   the
>   >   Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts
>   during
>   >   the Vietnam War.
>   >
>   >
>   >   Kerry & Edwards have no shame and now promise the laim shall be
>   healed.
>   >   Think about it!
>   >   Do the research.
>   >   Where are kerry's military records?
>   >   Why did he need a review to get an honorable discharge?
>   >   He choose to run on his military record but won't release it.
>   >   There is no ban on stem cell research.
>   >   Bush is not bring back the draft.
>   >   Bush is not privatizing SS.
>   >   Kerry keeps lying.
>   >   WHY?
>   >
>   >   --
>   >   It's not the fall that hurts.
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>   >   Graphics portfolio
>   >   Domain space
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >   ---
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>   >   Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>   >   Version: 6.0.749 / Virus Database: 501 - Release Date: 9/1/2004
>   >
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>   It's not the fall that hurts.
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