I really don't have anyone to come home for or someone that will say I love you. My marriage ended after my husband tried to kill be and put me in a wheelchair for life I guess he really took that marriage vow "Death do we part" for real .Now because of him I have to ask is there a men out there that will love me and not hart me again. Now that really frustration.
Wheelchair Warrior Andrea

THouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I do remember her saying that I don't take her out like I used to, I don't buy her things like I used to and that the majority of the housework was left up to her now.  Also we couldn't afford the things we used to albeit she couldn't think of any at the time!
----- Original Message -----
From: Houston809
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

That’s not the reason she left you. After 17 yrs your relationship should have been well past physical. And as some of us have stated I’m pleasin AB women intimately :) she probably just cleared the way 4 the woman that’s going 2 go the rest of the distance with you.

On 12/25/04 11:29 PM, "THouston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I beg  to differ Houston809, my sexual experience wasn't gratifying unless I felt that she was satisfied.  I refrain(unfortunately) from the intimate acts now because I know I can't please an Ab like I used to, the main reason my wife of 17 years left me.

----- Original Message -----
From:  Houston809 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: Stacy Harim <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; andrea  murray <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Cc: quadlist <>  
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 11:54  AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration

Stacy  that’s because we all know it doesn’t take much 2 satisfy a man in the  bedroom. :) we come we roll over go 2 sleep.:)

On 12/23/04 3:57 PM,  "Stacy Harim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

It is true  that quad men are know for their abilities in the bedroom.  They are  said to know how to really please a woman.  Never heard it the other  way around before.

-----  Original MessIage -----
From: andrea murray "><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
To: Stacy Harim "><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 3:52   PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Frustration

Thanks Stacy, You have shared your  feeling about us women. I  know that the men on the quid list is not  superficial,! but they do not thank  about the quad women. How we  feel! I just want to be held and love by a man I  love. But, every  time I think me soul mate is found he disappeared. How do us  girl  get good feeling about ourselfs? What do you guys want from us? We don't   have the thumb. Wheelchair Warrior Andrea

Stacy Harim   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   

I'm sorry.  I  know that.  I should have said most.  I  know also that  you guys here on the list aren't.  I apologize for  saying it  because I knew when I said it that ALL men AREN'T   superficial.
can you find in your  heart to forgive me?,

----- Original Message -----  
From: Martin T. Brown <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
To: Stacy Harim <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ; Steve Oldaker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ; andrea murray <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004  3:52  AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]   Frustration

[quote] Men are  superficial.  They just think we can't have sex,  therefore  they can't get off.  [/quote]
Stacy don't swing this term   above imposing that all men are superficial, we are  not.



----- Original Message -----  
From:  Stacy Harim <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
To: Steve Oldaker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ; andrea murray <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004  10:05  AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]   Frustration

What my  friend Andrea said is so true. I'm in the prime of my life  at  30. I'm not a beauty queen, but I think that I am an attractive   person.  I used to get hit on all the time.  Some of  you guys  talk about how you! have had girlfriends, partners,  wives. A lot of  women like men in chairs because they feel  less threatened.   Men are superficial.  They just  think we can't have sex, therefore  they can't get off.    I go out on occasion. Before I got sick  I used to  get hit on all the time and get drinks bought for me.    Since I got sick, I haven't had someone I don't know buy  me a drink  since I got sick.  Socializing and talking to  new people is not a  problem and I am a very approachable  person.  I have a good time,  dance, and smile while I am  out.  We never sit at a table.  We  are always at the  bar or in the general area.  Never have our backs  to  people.  I know the chances of meeting my soul mate in a ! bar   aren't good, but damn, they don't even look  twice.
It's fun! ny, we went to a  customer appreciation party at a  rest/club/bar.  They had  a DJ.  My friends and I were up there  dancing and some  woman came up and started dancing with me, holding my  hands  and treating me like I was mentally disabled.  Telling my   friend who is also a girl how pretty I was.  It was so  funny.   I was cracking up.  Trying to pull my hands  away, she wouldn't let  me.  Was pretty  strange.
Just a funny story to  share.  My Gift to  you,

----- Original Message -----  
From: andrea murray <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
To: Steve Oldaker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004  10:09  PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L]   Frustration


Sexual  frustration is the big  problem for me too. First of all be  being a women with a disability is  really hard to get a man  to just to see you as being sexual. Even  men with a  disability want a non-disability women. Like Steve if you   gave the slution PLEASE let me know.  

Wheelchair   Warrior

Steve Oldaker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:  


Do I suffer  sexual frustration?  Only  daily, many   times...

If you find  the solution, share it with the  group!


-----Original   Message-----
From: B. Kimberlin  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Monday, December  20, 2004 8:39 PM
To:  Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L]   Frustration


This is a serious question,  not to insinuate that other  questions are not, but I recall one  individual who was so  preoccupied with sex that I felt compelled to  leave the site for a  short amount of time just to get away from him.  Anyway, does  anyone else on here suffer from bouts of extreme sexual   frustration? I frequently attribute this frustration to a lack of   female companionship, but it is often very difficult to   concentrate on other things when I become fixated on this   particular subject.! Any  suggestions?



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