Same here!  Relaxing the arms is close to impossible!  I, too, have shivered for many hours
to warm up under 3 blankets.  Therefore it took me hours to get to sleep.  I'd cover my
head with 2-3 blankets and the sheet!
I still cover my head at bedtime or if I'm laying flat resting.  It's a comfort zone under something.
If I'm too warm .. I can cool off almost instantly.  If I'm cold ... it's hell.  I spent 35 yrs in the northeast and
my muscles "learned" to be tense.  So even though I'm in la-la land in the southwest ... I notice that I
consciously have to will my shoulders and neck to relax.
I hope to never have to live in a cold climate again.
Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 25 years post
Tucson, AZ
-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/15/05 11:08:50
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] sleep
I'm almost the same as both of you guys except when I get warm I feel anxious and if I overheat too bad I start to have trouble breathing with congestion and when I get too cold my arms posture up to my chin up and I can't put them back down.  Also, I will start to shiver and my teeth will start to chatter to where I have to hold my jaw open so I do not chip my teeth.  I have shivered for up to five hours because of being too cold and even put a mouth guard in so I do not chip my teeth.

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