Bobbie, it's not important how you became a quad, The important part is what you do afterward.
You know I respect you.
In a message dated 6/6/2006 7:31:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My Mom told her boss at work what happened to me and she had the nerve to say that some people just bring things upon themselves.  What the hell did I do?  She doesn't even know me.  My Mom just asked her what does she think I did to deserve what I've been through.
  When I tell people who ask me "how did you have your accident"? "that I was on a motorcycle learning to do jumps" they say things like "Well you asked for it"
  I think that even quads among us have a "thing" for people who become a quad by their own doing and other's who had a "true" accident.
  Do you know what I mean everybody?

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