To show you how much we have learned about sci, when I was in rehab in 1971, right after my injury, I would sweat and shiver and generally sit in misery with no idea of the problem. The docs and nurses insisted I was overheating, so they parked me in front of an air conditioner! Triple misery! Of course, it was AD but no one knew it at the time. I suffered for several years before I understood the problem.

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 14:57:39 EST

In a message dated 2/12/07 1:49:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I couldn't sleep without my heating pad. I use it every night (unless
it's over 80 degrees in the house). However, the heating pad I use
has a timeout function. After an hour's use, it turns itself off. To
start it heating again, you have to turn it off, then turn it back
on. Also, I only use it on top of my shoulders, where I do feel the heat.

Win >>

Sounds great, WIN. I also hope that the low temp doesn't exceed 95 degrees.
You don't need to have any organs overheating.... and shutting down.

Consider that your normal body temp is around 99 degrees. Go up by 5 degrees
and you are both sick and a candidate for the other side.

If your body temp drops 5 degrees, you can still survive for a very long time.

During the summer, it comes more obvious. People dying from being overheated and watching the Med Techs trying to cool the body down to prevent the organs
from shutting down.  Its not a very pretty sight.

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