But Sadamned "was" still developing WMD's.
It wasn't untill after he was caught, that the wacky Kadafi quickly
decided to give up (what he claimed) was "his countries" WMD program.
Big surprise was his "Iraqi" scientists. No way in hell Sadamned would
have allowed his scientists to develope a nuke for "another" dictator.
Anyone who doubts this need only look at his history and the facts.
He was paying off Kadafi with money scammed from the "Oil for Food"
instead of feeding the Kurds and Sunni.
The UN was considering lifting restrictions set by the 1991 ceasefire
treaty that Sadamned violated too many times to list. "If" all of
Iraq's WMD's had been destroyed under UN supervision, as per the
treaty "he" signed. then we'd have known exactly what happened.
Instead, all those "so called" relief flights by the Soviets, back and
forth to Syria, are still in question.
Seems those relief supplies were as elusive as the WMD's.
Think it was a bad idea to invade when we did?
Given a few more weeks to prepair, the Iraqi's could have caused more damage.
His two wack job son's would still be waiting their turn, and we'd be
facing Iraq armed with a nuke.

BTW, I'd have to advise that War is Hell, but not fighting one can
lead to a living hell.


We had an administration, with the best military, the best international
intelligence, the world's best
spy program, bar none, that snookered the world into believing that a small
country possessed weapons of mass destruction, against the advise of other
countries, who said that weapons of mass destruction didn't exist.  Years
later.... oops and look at the cost of precious lives on both sides, not to
mention the money that could have been better spent.  Today, we know that
millions of dollars and it could be billions in green
American cash has been shipped over and unaccounted for.....

Hope it changes, for the sake of my fellow mens.... and womens

In a message dated 5/19/2007 12:54:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
didn't AL GORE invent SCIs????

Tim Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are those who think it's all President Bush's fault that they're
still quads.
Facts just tend to get in the way, frustrating them into a tizzy about
Must be a real bummer not being able to shrug it off and LAUGH a little.
Me? My job is to try to get at least one laugh out of my aids etc each day.

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