For 10 years I did my bowel program on Monday Wednesday and Friday, but when
I turned 40 my body wouldn't let that happen any longer.  I now do it every
other day and occasionally have to do it every day.

I drink a ton of green tea, so maybe this is why my bowel seem like they
want to move sometimes, but thankfully I have had no cases of incontinence

I usually start out with Metamucil and mineral oil on bowel care Day.  The
mineral oil helps move any hard stool down and seems to also give me a
better feeling in my bowels.  I have been told to be real careful using
mineral oil because if it is accidentally aspirated into the lungs it could
be quite dangerous.

Good luck and hopefully you will get better soon.

> I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.  It is after  12
> midnight and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.
> At 8 I inserted a suppository.  An hour and and half later I decided to
> call it quits, nothin happening.
> It's 9:30 and am making my way to bed.  THEN I needed to get back on and
> did not make it.  What a mess. When will this get better?  I am so tired of
> this that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.  Starting
> tomorrow.
> Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours
> doing my bowel program.  It has been a year since my accident.  Shouldn't I
> have this figured out by now?
> I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.
> Thanks
> Shelly
> 1 year post
> C6-C7 incomplete
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