Choose Texas over Florida any day!  Besides Orlando (which is inland) much
of Florida is quite trashy.  We are most located there with my husband's job
in 1999 but after his trip there... No way.

I would definitely rather be too warm than too cold.  That humidity day &
night with HUGE BUGS sucks.  Like you... I am out and about in my wheelchair
here in dry Arizona.  In a wet environment... the gnats and mosquitoes will
almost eat you alive!  

My husband feels that Dallas/Ft Worth and Houston run a close second as far
as the humidity. He lived in Houston for 10 years.  But Houston being a
little worse because of the Gulf.  Actually the Gulf IS one of the
attractions to moving to Houston because we both love the water.  My husband
remembers many times going out on the sea wall and tremendously enjoying
watching the waves come in and then reside.  I am sure that areas by the
water are more handicapped friendly now but I know that I can not go ON the
So the water (and the biggest renowned medical complex in the nation if not
the world) is an attraction for Houston for us but it also has hurricanes. 
Nothing close to Florida (and we had the option of moving to Florida when
the plant closed in New York shortly after we got married) and we would not
move to Florida on a bet even if someone gave us a house and property!  They
get nailed very often by hurricanes every year and we would have to get our
own huge generator because I depend upon electricity so much.  

My only form of mobility is a power wheelchair which needs regular charging
through a battery charger plugged into the wall.  My rotating air mattress
to avoid pressure sores is plugged into the wall.  My hospital bed is all
electric and a complete necessity for me to get in and out of bed.  To name
just a few.  And the humidity there in FL is far worse than Houston because
they have the water on both sides!  Further... Except for Orlando... The
rest of the state is pretty dumpy.  In 1999 my husband made a trip down
there for an interview and even the condominiums look like trailer trash.

Lori Michaelson
Age - 43
C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
Tucson, AZ

-------Original Message-------
From: Greg
Date: 3/4/2008 9:12:08 AM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] New Permobil
I just can’t think of ever moving away from a warm weather place. I do miss
the water around Seattle, just not the water above Seattle. I do think
Florida would be nice if not for the humidity, but I’d love to try it. I
spent 22 years post injury just sitting by the fire wearing tons of sweaters
 except for July and August. Now I spend half the day outside. I use to
worry about damp moss growing on me, now it’s sunburns :-)
The weather today down here south of you was quite a bit cooler here than
the last several wonderful days near 80°... But I guess we are spoiled
compared to the rest of the country ... eh Greg?

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