Interesting thing, my sister has just been diagnosed as having a
Hydrosyringomyelia cyst. They do not know the cause yet. They said it can be
from one of three things, injury, brain malformation, or spinal meningitis
(she never had it, but I did as a kid.) She has had shoulder pain for years,
and down her arm. No meds help at all, plus she throws up after trying
anything strong. 3 times in the last 6 weeks it was so bad she has gone to
the E.R. Last night the pain was so bad she was throwing up and went in
again. All they do is give her a pain shot and say see your doctor tomorrow.
She has an appointment to see a neuro surgeon, but they can't get her in for
a month.


I have a Syrinx, but have not had bad symptoms before. Has anyone had the
Hydrosyringomyelia kind? They look to be related, but syrinx just means
fluid filed cavity. I'm not sure the kind us quads get, does anyone know the
full name of the kind we get?



Thanks, Greg

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