I am sure that my situation is unique.  I have now had the same aid from the 
time of my injury 10 years ago.
Over this period of time, it is only natural in my opinion, that he and I have 
become good friends.  However, he does add to my depression which obviously 
isn't needed, with his personal problems.  The plus side is as a result of 
being good friends he provides me with better service than I might otherwise 
I guess my advice would be share information at a slow pace until you get a 
good feel of the character and professionalism of whomever you're interfacing.
William Ray, C4 10 years post
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: shellbell5...@aim.com<mailto:shellbell5...@aim.com> 
  To: quad-list@eskimo.com<mailto:quad-list@eskimo.com> 
  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 6:35 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] aids

  This question is for those of you who have aids that are not not consumer 
employed. I am attending college and am 
  3 hours away from home. How and where do you draw boundaries with your aids? 
A lady I respect told me to keep our relationship a business one.

   My problem is this in the past I have become friends with these women (it's 
difficult not to.) But then I tart hearing about there problems
  and our relationship is no longer a working relationship. Seems they take 
that as a sign as they can come, do very little and 
  or take care of personal calls for instance. My dorm is a small area so I 
hear the whole conversation. My aid spoke to her child's teacher
  this am. She was on the phone over 5 minutes then when she got off began to 
explain the difficulty she is having with her 
  daughter. It is not that I do not care I do! (Probably too nice for my own 
good.)  I just do not want to become someones counselor.
  Do you listen but make no comment and hope she will keep info to herself?

  I have been working on establishing boundaries. To protect them from me as 
well as me from them. My last aid showed up with
  booze on her breath. I told her boss but instead of confronting her employee 
saying something like, "a consumer reported that they
  smelled alcohol on your breath.... She told her "Shelly tolm me....." then my 
aid called me and it became personal. Anyway I just
  want to do the right thing.  How do you guys draw those lines or even set the 
standards? How friendly or even how much 
  info do you give up?

  My "accident" was a blessing in many ways and I have learned many valuable 
lessons these past soon to be 4 years.I am
  grateful for all that I have been given and do believe it's my purpose to be 
a blessing. That does not mean that I let people 
  get away with things that are unacceptable. Am I making a big deal out of 
nothing? She is a sweet girl... I am going to "shut up"

  C6-C7 Incomplete
  July 31 will be 4 years

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