I raised the sex question because when we discussed turning and positioning in 
bed the thought occured to me that everyone does things differently, and we can 
learn so much from each other.  I assume the same holds true for intimacy, and 
I know we're always open to information and suggestions.  :)

 My interest in the subject is part personal curiousity and part professional 
interest as I do quite a bit of mentoring in my job.

I have a million questions, but the first, and most basic, are:  how has SCI 
affected your intimate relationships?  Do you have a sex life?  Do you [and 
your partner] find it fulfilling?  How does your current lovelife compare with 
before your injury?

[Keep in mind that your replies may be searchable through Google in the future, 
so don't write anything you'd be embarrassed to have searched.]

I will answer my own questions to get the ball rolling:  

I was injured at age 18 and had not been sexually active before my injury.  I 
realized quickly after my injury [c5-6 complete] that I could get a physiogenic 
erection [from touch] but not a psychogenic erection [from thought.]  I had 
very reduced sensation in that area but the sensation I have is very nice.  It 
took me many years post-injury to trust someone enough to get to the point of 
intimacy, but during college one of my female caregivers slipped into bed with 
me one night, removed my catheter and changed my life.  I never guessed that 
with my reduced sensation I could climax, but I did.  Not only that, but even 
with her doing all the 'work' I found that I could please my partner.  From 
that moment on I felt I had regained a certain manliness that I thought was 
gone forever.

I can't compare sex before and after SCI, but over the years I can say I've had 
very fulfilling intimate relationships.  


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